Saturday, September 15, 2012

12 Tips for the shadows

Shadow - Top 12 tips on how to apply completely
Your makeup is as important as to make you look as finished wear clothes that you are, in fact, it may actually be more important. We noticed all the women who did not have an idea of ​​how to apply eye shadow. But we also saw women who know how to apply it correctly and they look pretty put together. You do not want to be one of those women? Of course - and we'll give you some tips so you can do it.

The good news - a shade of your eye properly really not difficult at all. It's really just a matter of finding the right technology and looking for you and your personal style. Do not worry if it takes several attempts to get it right. Check out these tips:

Always applying the base coat on your eyes just as you do for the rest of your face. These businesses can loose energy or the application of your foundation to the eye. It gives a nice board so to work with.

Mixture, blending, mixing and then a little more. I can not stress this enough. Try an experiment. Mix only one eye and then use a brush and apply the other eye. Know immediately what I'm talking and you'll never forget to blend again.

If you want dramatic eyes, take your eye shadow brush, your dip in the water, and then in the shade, then apply. Will give you much deeper than that, dramatic color.

If you have blue eyes, wear purple and mauve, taupe, gray, dark blue and black. Funky colors include fuchsia, turquoise and silver.

If you have green eyes, wear purple, peach, forest green, brown and khaki. Funky colors include light green, gold and purple light.

If you have brown eyes, wear champagne, copper, brown, apricot, khaki and beige. Funky colors include royal blue, tangerine, pink hand warmer.

Everyone can wear navy, powder blue, and charcoal. Fun and colors include silver.

Apply light shade in the inner corner of the eye to reflect and make your eyes look younger.

If you want your eyes look bigger, and use a light color on the inner corner, and darker in the center of the eye area.

Practice until you get to apply your eye shadow down to the science. When you do well, your makeup will look more natural and more polished.

Apply only shadow on the eyelids from lash line to the crease. Apply shadow to average slightly less than the eyelid crease to the brow bone.

Highlight the brow bone. By doing so, you will make your features stand out naturally and beautifully.

So there you have it. With these top tips now know how to apply your shadow if you look your best.

Remember that if you practice these steps, you should be aware of what works best for you. Practice by yourself, or practice with a friend if you find it easier to ask someone else's opinion.

And one more thing. If you make your face more youthful looking with wrinkle creams that gives results, then any makeup will be more effective.

10 steps to look younger

Considered the mystery young for long. Many researchers have done some experiments to find ways to slow the aging process.
There are techniques that have been implemented, but the most important things for us to do to be compatible with the implementation of a healthy lifestyle and eating habits.

We can not stop the natural change, but we can still look younger if we want to work hard to slow down the aging process.

So, I will help you 10 easy steps to make you look younger:

Detox - it is important to start detoxification, getting rid of body toxins. I made our metabolism process, but in everyday life we ​​are exposed to chemical hazards lot of food, air and environment. Fasting fruit or vegetable consumption that are the means to detoxify our body.

Sleep - and have enough sleep at least 6-8 hours a day will make the skin healthy. And have a good sleep is also important because growth hormone works during this period. It renews the old cell of the body, including skin cells. Our skin is fresh and young if we have enough sleep.

Food - food and eating safe and healthy everyday makeup adapt to our body, and also look a little younger. Try to eat more fish instead of red meat. Dietary fiber, vegetables and fruits, foods and supplements are important to the consumer. Drinking coffee and other beverages less caffeine.

Year - through an exercise routine, and we feel happy and vital, and trust. It also increases bone density and muscle we can make your body look younger 15-20 years. In addition to the air, and swimming and walking will also to the gym to exercise lifting.

Relax - trying to be comfortable, and our faces look younger. Stress and anxiety appear on our faces. If we can manage our stress and feel at peace, and our faces look younger and attractive.

Be positive - positive mind and confirm that we can achieve a positive life for us. Negative thoughts tend to fail and make us look older and unattractive. Meditation is a way to make positive thoughts.

Medical exam - just like a car, our body also needs attention and care so that you can work all day as well. After routine medical checkups during our healthy is important to recognize diseases as soon as possible.

Life - Always try to be active during your life. Activities can improve health, and if you're in the age of your biggest and your memory will also increase.

Social life - a happy life can increase our social spirit, bring peace of mind and make us feel and look younger. Can communicate with our friends and family, neighbors and colleagues, and others to bring happiness to us.

Performance - Start to look at our performance. This is our ideal weight for us? Otherwise, try to attach it to the best ideal weight. Also look for the skin, hair and nails and teeth. These are important because they will show our age. It looks and feels good and increase our performance.

10 tips on how to treat acne again

There are many ways on how to cure acne again. Bacne - in the short term for the treatment of acne again is just like any ordinary forms of acne. Can show warts, pimples, blackheads or in severe cases it looks like acne cyst. Seems often during puberty starts when the sebaceous glands to work hard. Men and women, teenagers or adults, acne again does not have a specific range of age or gender and practically can affect anyone. Here are some ways to treat bacne.
1. Wear cool clothes and put some powder in the back to prevent sweating. It is an essential tool on how to cure acne again. Change of clothes if you have a lot of out money on it to prevent further acne again building.

2. After vigorous activity, and will probably get sweaty, too. Showering immediately, or if that is not possible, wipe your sweat towels with soft fabric such as cotton.

3. Dry skin after bathing. Do not rub the towel. May irritate the skin and cause inflammation on your acne again.

4. If your acne once again is not yet severe, you can still use antibacterial cleaners that are designed to treat facial acne. At present, there are also acne soap anti-Walta can be used not only for the face but for the body as well. Avoid using regular soap. This might be a soap does not meet the needs of your sensitive skin needs.

5. Avoid wearing back up your acne once again on his own. This would avoid the return of heating which translates into more sweat and a breeding ground for bacteria that cause acne again.

6. One of the best ways on how to cure acne again to use gels or creams that contain benzoyl peroxide at least 10 percent. Can be purchased without a prescription in pharmacies dermatologist (skin doctor).

7. Studies show that benzoyl peroxide works best when used with alpha hydroxy products. It heal acne and return dry twice as fast.

8. Some people have also natural techniques on how to cure acne again. Acne home remedy to treat the back is use sodium Hydrixide home (lye) soap with the addition of some tea tree oil in it. Not dry quickly and cure acne and we'd love to give you a softer skin.

9. Exfoliate once a week. If you do not want to spend money to buy scrubs expensive, you can use sugar instead of removing all the dead cells of the skin. Do it on the affected area, such as the back and buttocks.

10. You can get professional help in the case of the return of very severe acne. In anything to be ashamed of. Dermatologists are willing to help people with this kind of skin problems. They suggest maybe medicines that need a prescription, and antibiotics that must be taken by mouth, and topical treatments, retinol or even contraception by mouth (for women only).

So there you go. These are just ten of the most effective ways on how to cure acne again.

10 easy steps to clearer skin

At some point in our lives what we want fresher clearer, younger looking skin. Can also be obtained without spending a lot of money and can be done naturally! What you need to do is persevere and over three weeks your skin will begin to look fresher and more pronounced. Here's how:
1. Keeping your skin clean is the first priority! Must cleanse your face morning and evening with a cleanser, gentle natural that not only finds the skin of dirt and grime, but it deals with such as antibacterial component of tea tree oil.

2. After crossing the dry skin then spray fine toning the face to cool and help close the pores while they are clean. Let the haze on the face.

3. When the ink has dried apply a very small amount of moisturizer all over your face and neck. Find a moisturizer that is skin types and contains antibacterial ingredients like oil problem tea tree and lavender essential oil. These components nice but very effective in removing blemishes and pimples.

4. You get the right amount of sleep the night your body needs reflected in the condition of your skin. Seven enough. Not enough sleep for a period of time leads to problems difficult to treat, such as skin puffiness and dark circles.

5. The food you eat is very important for a healthy, clear skin! Make sure you get a good amount of fresh fruits and vegetables and reduce the consumption of red meat three or four times a week. And foods that are digested easily help your system to keep your skin nutrition and promote fresh and new cell growth. Drink lots and lots of water too!

6. Clean skin on the face and body with a scrub weekly. When using a body scrub start at your feet and work on the heart, and it helps get rid of toxins. I'm going in the opposite direction to pay again the toxins in your system. Use facial scrub very nice on the face and neck can also be easily damaged these areas.

7. Try aspirin mask! This mask is having fantastic results on those open pores, pimples and acne. Aspirin tablets crushed to about 15 powder mix to a paste with a little water and less than 1 teaspoon and then applied to the cleaning of the face. Leave it for twenty minutes to make its way into the skin, then rinse and apply a light moisturizer. Try this week, after rubbing the face.

8. Once a month the use of steam therapy Home to ascertain impurities from the face. Add boiling water into a basin or bowl and add two drops of tea tree oil. Put your face on a towel covering gently, and let the steam open and cleanse the pores. Be careful not to let the steam burn your face. With the completion of face wash warm.

9. Go outdoors, hiking and swimming in the sea, cycling and fun! And exercise and stimulate your skin will love.

10. Taking supplements of fish oil per day. Cultures that eat a lot of fish have clearer skin and the fish oil helps eliminate toxins from the body and now you know what is wonderful for your skin!

These ten simple tips to help you get clear skin you desperately want, and do not forget to make lifestyle changes that you need to enjoy the benefits that go with it! Skin fresher, clearer more youthful.

8 tips to choose cosmetics that suit your skin type

Cosmetics appropriate for any skin type is important to create a fresh natural appearance as well as to prevent reactions to the cosmetics such as allergies with resulting rashes, itching and rashes with white spots or cry or black and painful rashes. The skin of each person is unique and different areas on a person's face may have different characteristics that must be taken into consideration when choosing appropriate cosmetics.
If you've been disappointed when your shadow creases powder and slides before lunch or your foundation looks lined and caked understand the characteristics of your skin and purchasing appropriate cosmetics for your skin type is a useful exercise. Here are some tips to help you look your best.

Avoid cosmetics that dry or irritate your skin

Each skin type reacts differently to different types of cosmetics. Even if a particular brand works for your eye shadow of the same brand may not work for lipstick. This is because the type of skin on your eyelids can be very different type of skin on your lips. When choosing cosmetics such as foundations, for example, avoid drying cosmetics or cosmetics that cause your skin to break out. Unfortunately, you may have to try several products to determine which ones work on your skin regularly. Another issue that must be addressed is that your skin may be a reaction to a particular cosmetic which has not irritate the skin, so that you may be forced to find an alternative to a brand that has proven worked in the past. Characteristics of the skin can change dramatically during his life as well, forcing a change in the type of cosmetics that you select.

Consider your skin tone when selecting cosmetics

Even if the particular type of cosmetic is just right for your skin type, choosing the right color - one that is too light or too dark will make the cosmetics less attractive. Select cosmetics that complement and match your skin tone and complexion imperfections and texture will disappear. Darker foundations, deeper colors for eye shadow and eyeliner will be best suited for those with chocolate skin tones or olive green. At the other end of the spectrum, if you have pale skin, you should choose lighter shades of foundation and eye makeup. Cosmetics should enhance, never overpower the skin tones.

Invest in quality makeup

Quality makeup often tends to get painful for the wallet, but it shows on your skin. Cheap makeup can cake or slide on your skin and is not as likely to mix. It is more likely to lie on the surface, which gives a plastic. Search for good quality cosmetics that are not necessarily expensive. It is better to invest in yourself by purchasing quality makeup that you know looks great on your skin type.

Dry skin

If you are a victim of skin that is dry, do not despair. You should find a mousse or cream foundation type. If you use a concealer, make sure it is cream based and your compact powder should be pressed compact powder. You should avoid loose power or oil free formulas as they tend to settle in the fine lines on your face. Eye makeup is best done with silk texture powder or eyeshadow and eyeliner cream must be either a pencil or type shimmer mat. Moisture is the key word lipsticks and glosses. Find a lipstick and lip gloss that use moisturizing ingredients such as aloe vera or vitamin E, which provide both additional lip moisture.

Sensitive skin

Look for products that are labeled specifically for use with sensitive skin and avoid fragrances of your cosmetics. Non-allergenic is another phrase to look for on the label. The key is to avoid anything with high levels of dye or preservative.

Combination skin

You can choose different products for different skin problems on your face or you can choose products that are specifically created for combination skin. Even so-called normal skin often has areas which are more or less oily than other regions. Normal skin may have times during the monthly cycle when it is oilier than usual.

Oily skin

For oily skin, try using an oil primer before applying foundation mat type that will not clog your powder pores.Loose unless the oils pressed powder. Blot the skin periodically throughout the day to remove any shine. Avoid cream eyeshadow or mascara and creamy style lip pencils.

Options Cleanser

Avoid harsh cleansers or drying and cleaning fat for two extreme will react unfavorably with your skin type. The best cleaning skin, regardless of the type of skin is a water-soluble cleaning which is gentle on the skin.

Specific rules 10 Great Hair Care

If the amount of money consumers spend on hair care products annually is any indication, most people are concerned about the appearance of hair and strive to attain beautiful, elegant and healthy locks. In fact, most anything to achieve their desired look. Tradeshow treatments to over-the-counter serums, hair care is a big deal.
The only problem is that while many people are buying the right hair care products for hair, they forget to follow basic hair care systems that ensure the health and beauty of their hair. In addition, many will also cause damage by participating in unhealthy hair care behavior capillaries.

So what should you do to ensure that your hair stays healthy, shiny and strong?
To avoid all hair care disasters, follow-up care leaves 10 large absolute hair.

Leaves hair care

1. Avoid a professional and prescription products hair care whenever you can. Many offers only promises and false hopes.

2. Do not cut your bangs. Leave all your cutting needs, even bangs, to your hair care career.

3. Avoid excessive sun, chlorine and salt water during the summer months. Excessive exposure can cause severe damage that is irreversible even if you use the best hair care products.

4. Do not use hair care products to clarify your hair once a week. They can strip hair of moisture and essential oils.

5. Do not visit care salon without first obtaining a referral from someone you trust. Choosing a salon based on the advertisement or sale alone is very risky.

6. Do not purchase hair color that comes in a box.

7. Never stick to outdated look because you are afraid of looking different. Change styles for a reason. Ask your hair care professional that you make in this decade with a new style.

8. Do not straighten your hair with an iron. Come on, that in the 70s. We have straightening irons that will not damage your hair for this now. Search the island hair care.

9. Do not brush your hair or put a lot of tension on it while it is still wet. This will cause breakage. Also, do not wear tight styles such as corn rows for extended periods of time you do not have ethnic hair.

10. Never use solar lightening products such as lemon juice or more without a prescription hair care products designed to lighten hair with the sun unless you want a very short hair cut in the future.

In the end, hair care is something very individual and personal. Feel free to add your own style and flair to your hair care routine, but remember to include hair care principles that will benefit your hair and avoid those damages.

7 Tips for Beautiful Skin

For most women, part of the morning and evening routine means a system of skin care creams, moisturizers for the application, tonics, lotions, and so on. Why a woman put herself through this? They do this in the first place to fight the signs of aging and maintain youthful looks and beautiful skin! It is very likely, however, that most women did not put much thought into what is in the products they use.
Some women may not realize that what is put on the skin can actually undermine what you are trying to avoid at the outset. In fact, the average woman puts 12 products on her skin every day, and most of them contain harmful chemical preservatives. Dr. Myron Wentz, founder and chairman of the Health Sciences USANA, has this to say about beauty in June / July 2005 magazine Economic Journal: "Some say that beauty is skin deep only nonsense I think the real beauty is a reflection.! Health correctly, and health real start at the bottom Every cell in the body. But health real and true beauty have an outer, which is why we need to protect against attacks environmental, such as solar radiation, pollutants in the environment and effects drying air ... The truth is that you simply can not contain a healthy body if your skin is not healthy. skin can not be healthy if you are subjected to toxic substances that are absorbed into the body at the end. '

So, what can women do? How can we fight against environmental pollutants, and the effect of solar radiation, and the drying effects of air? How can we be sure they are using the best products on the skin so they can be inside and outside in good health? Here are 7 tips to help in this process:

1. Be very aware of what is found in skin care products. Use products that are all natural as possible.

2. Search for products that contain technology on the surface of the skin renewal. DSR blurs existing signs of aging such as laugh lines, crows feet, and dullness.

3. Use products that contain Regenisomes. Regenisomes penetrate the skin to accelerate cell renewal after sun exposure. It also use photosomes light undo sun damage, and renew skin Ultrasomes during sleep.

4. Find products with Proteo-CT and Proflavonol. These vitamins protect the skin 2 against premature aging caused by pollution and the sun and other environmental factors. They also provide advanced nutrition to the skin to keep appearing on the smooth and steady.

5. If possible, use products that are paraben free. Parabens are synthetic chemical preservatives used widely in personal care products such as shampoos and conditioners, and design products, makeup, facial masks, skin lotions and creams, and deodorants. They are also the components of lotions usually in the child, shampoos and other personal care products for infants and children. In addition, parabens are in many foods and pharmaceuticals. Researchers are beginning to find parabens in benign and malignant breast rights. Although some studies have challenged their toxicity in many products and question the long-term effect on humans, using products that are paraben free to eliminate the risk of exposure to this harmful chemical.

6. Drink plenty of water! Water hydrates skin and hair as well as flushes toxins from the body.

7. Reduce stress or learn to manage it effectively. Stress is harmful both emotionally and physically. We find that the anti-stress activity that works best and use it on a daily basis!