After oil bad sometimes very annoying. In fact, it is important to suffer low self-esteem and especially on young people whose main objective in puberty is the physical attribute. Prevent the outbreak of acne is not a piece of cake and that is why even if you know everything about acne control, acne always appear from time to time. Lack of time to maintain the free daily acne treatment helps to escape. So how do you keep your skin free of acne? Here's how:
1. Do not prick the acne affected area. Can be in touch with their bare hands cause further irritation. Dirty hands carrying microorganisms unwanted that can cause acne. Therefore it is very safe to keep your hands or any other object from your face to prevent inflammation and acne scars in the skin as well.
2. Avoid using products that rely on oil on your hair. Men and girls wear hair products to improve their appearance. Dermatologist can agree that the products are safe on the scalp, but these chemicals Cosmetics responsible for pull down on your face while you sweat. Fluids down to aggravate acne already affected area of the skin.
3. Reduce the use of cosmetics on the button. Seems disturbing to know that despite the fact that beauty products can hide your broken pimple, because it increases the risk of infection. Combination of vehicles it difficult for your foundation and bacteria that come with sponge (if it is not the basis on which you are using the newly opened) aggravate acne. If your job requires you to wear makeup, you should avoid public makeup brand. Some generic brands of make-up do not remember the chemicals that are present in the product.
4. If you use a face wash on alcohol and oil-based or ink, and taking a break somewhat reduced inflammation of the skin.
5. Avoid contact with anything that could contain microorganisms touching your face. These include unmanaged hair, dirty handkerchief, towels, and even a pillow. The only way to control the transfer of the object on your face from the original material is always keep your hair in a bun or use hair band that will hold it in place away from your face, pillow case of cold and pillow you have, and a clean towel and napkin to clear your face.
6. And can be purchased over-the-counter ointment and local pharmacies. A topical cream or ointment containing benzoyl peroxide is the best bet for the treatment of acne disappears undesirable. Some dermatologists recommend tretinoin cream products based on benzoyl peroxide because of irritant threat peroxide content. Depending on the sensitivity of the skin is that you can choose from between the two.
7. If the acne is severe, and there is a need to visit a dermatologist. Describes dermatologist antibiotics by mouth to take for a certain period of time. Or, where appropriate, and can be described on adapalene gel by a dermatologist to be able to use for a period of time. Careful monitoring of the drug is necessary, because as other prescribed drugs, it can cause allergic reactions known.
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